Green Stone Necklace
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Stand Up | 35″L x 24″W x 37-45″H(front to back wheel) |
Folded (w/o wheels) | 32.5″L x 18.5″W x 16.5″H |
Folded (w/ wheels) | 32.5″L x 24″W x 18.5″H |
Door Pass Through | 24 |
Frame | Aluminum |
Weight (w/o wheels) | 20 LBS |
Weight Capacity | 60 LBS |
Width | 24″ |
Handle height (ground to handle) | 37-45″ |
Wheels | 12″ air / wide track slick tread |
Seat back height | 21.5″ |
Head room (inside canopy) | 25″ |
Enim voluptatum ea officia dolorem reiciendis sint. Molestiae ut ut unde suscipit et et omnis dolorem. Magni debitis atque adipisci itaque voluptas perspiciatis nesciunt.
70 in stock